Decorative roof ceramics from Velhartice and Švihov castles


This contribution is dedicated to unusual finds of building ceramics dated to the 14th–15th centuries from Velhartice and Švihov castles, in the Klatovy District. The finds include 13 fragments of thick-walled ceramic with red engobe coating on the outside, and one body fragment of an anthropomorphic sculpture with similar surface finish. Thanks to partial reconstruction and preserved edges, two shapes have been identified among the Velhartice fragments: a hollow flattened sphere with the diameter of 37 cm and 24 cm tall, and a hollow conic tube. Analogical finds from the Czech lands comprise a set of a flattened sphere and a tube from the extramural settlement of Příběnice Castle, interpreted as technical ceramics (part of distillation equipment). Nonetheless, T. Durdík believed that it was a special type of building ceramics, decorative roof elements. Central European analogies have been found among products of Flemish potters who also manufactured roof components of anthropomorphic shapes. The author is of the opinion that the sculpture fragment from Švihov might have served the same purpose.

decorative roof ceramics; Middle Ages; castle; Velhartice; Švihov


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