Prague – The City of Archaeology : the concept and realisation of the project of an integrated information


In 2013 the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, v. v. i., and the National Heritage Institute, Prague launched a five-year project within the Programme of Applied Research and Development of the National and Cultural Identity (NAKI). The main objective of the project, entitled the Integrated Information System of Prague's Archaeological Sources (IIS_APP), is to create in the GIS environment an interactive geographic information system based on the Map of Archaeological Documentation Points, the work on which was started by PhDr. Ladislav Hrdlička at the Institute of Archaeology in Prague in 1975. The map is a specialized tool designed for the historical centre of Prague, a UNESCO-listed urban heritage reserve, that will enable a considerate employment of its unique archaeological heritage, both in the area of its scientific assessment and protection. The information will be made available online through a website, not only for specialists and those working in the public administration but also for the general public. The system is designed as a general one and can be applied to any investigated location in the Czech Republic. The project's objectives are as follows: 1 – creation of an integrated information system of Prague's archaeological sources (IIS_APP) in the GIS environment, ensuring; 2 – considerate employment of the city's unique archaeological heritage of European importance and its application in basic research, heritage care, public administration and urbanism, as well as in the presentation of cultural heritage; 3 – combining data from the existing and more general register and database systems of different types, contents and functions; 4 – continuous online updating and revision of data about archaeological research in the historical centre of Prague and new sources for the archaeology of the city in general; 5 – access to a broad spectrum of data and document types; 6 – creation of a universally valid structured system in the GIS environment for the cataloguing, application and presentation of a specific type of archaeological sources, as a special layer of the Archaeological Map of the CR.

archaeology; GIS; cultural heritage; city; Prague


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