Chain with pendants from Veveří castle, near Brno


Medieval archaeology collections of the Moravian Museum hold a chain made of a non-ferrous metal consisting of five spirals and originally probably provided with nine pendants of which two unidentifiable fragments have survived. The first is a miniature key and the second an incomplete key that might have once been functional. Material analyses confirmed the use of copper wire (tombac alloy with a low zinc content) of different thickness for the individual parts of the chain. Soldering (and possibly copper-plating) was identified with one of the pendants, the iron key. The find comes from the Veveří castle and was excavated during the repairs of the communication below the castle in the 1870s when the castle was owned by Countess Helena Ypsilanti de Sina. Archaeological analogies go back to prehistory and the German ethnic environment. In the modern age, special rosaries with pendants making up a specific set of amulets appeared in the Alpine region. Apart from Christian symbols, the pendants included apotropaic ones protecting the owner from evil powers. These chains, often worn as bracelets, still exist today and have maintained their keepsake and protective function. They are usually made of precious metals in the form of luxury jewellery for adults, or as children's charm bracelets featuring ladybirds, four-leaf clovers, keys and hearts.

jewellery; modern age; analytical methods


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