Verzologické výskumy v Čechách a na Slovensku : (pocta Jiřímu Levému)


The legacy of the Czech and Slovak study of the poetic structure from the 1930s to the 1960s (J. Mukařovský's "semantic gesture", M. Bakoš key function of the poetic rhythm). Their synthetic character under the influence of the principles of modern linguistics and Russian formalism. Literary history and historical poetics. The deepening of these starting points from the point of view of the needs of interliterary research. The objectivizing-logical criterion in respecting the specifics of national metrical systems. The contribution of J. Levý and his influence on the Slovak school of translation. His reflections upon a more integral perception of stylistic-rhythmical shifts in literary translation. The diversification of individual epistemological models according to the specificity of respective scholarly environments. The theory of literary communication in the inter-play of theory and empiricism in the works by A. Popovič. Slovak comparative literature research (D. Ďurišin) and its place in inter-literary research of L. Franek (the monograph Štýl prekladu, 1997; finished already in 1975). Inspirational exploration of the differences in the development of national literatures (French and Slovak). The striving for the unity of immanence and transcendence. Comparison with other metrical (e.g., Spanish) models. The violent interruption of the continuity of such research after the so-called "normalization" in the 1970s and the resulting problems in returning to these research models after 1989.

Klíčová slova:
česká a slovenská literárna veda; sémantické gesto; básnický rytmus; štruktúrna poetika; historická poetika; analýza prekladov (Paul Claudel)


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FELIX, Jozef. 1987. Cesty k veľkým. Pohľady na európsku literatúru (Bratislava: Slovenské vydavateľstvo krásnej literatúry)

FELIX, Jozef. 1962. " Hugov Satyr v slovenčine", Slovenské pohľady 78, č. 6, 1962, s. 64–70

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TURČÁNY, Viliam. 1960/1961. " K poetike Hviezdoslavových prekladov", Slovenská literatúra 7, č. 4, s. 413–438; 8, č. 1, s. 38–46





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