Conjugation of irregular verbs in the 1st person singular of the past simple tense in the dialects of European Portuguese and the typology of its alternations


The paper is dedicated to the alternations of verbal flection in the dialects of European Portuguese. It concentrates on the alternations in the 1st person singular in the past simple tense of irregular verbs and describes them from the linguistic perspective, including information about their origin, evolution and diatopic distribution. Subsequently, the text intends to classify these alternations into three groups. The first one is represented by mere phonetic alternations when the alternations of verbal flection reflect some general phonetic phenomena which appear in all similar linguistic contexts regardless of the word class, having thus no impact on the verb paradigm. The second one includes morphological alternations which are applied deliberately either to differentiate two similar or identical verb forms, or to assimilate a verb form to another form considered prototypical. The third group comprises morphophonetic alternations when an accidental phonetic alternation employed in verbal flection subsequently acquires a distinctive role in verb paradigm.

dialectology; verbal flection; irregular verbs; first person singular; past simple tense


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