An invitation to decentre in the French novel of the Dark Romanticism : some examples


The concepts of "centre" and "periphery", which originated from the work of Pascale Casanova and Franco Moretti, are commonly used in contemporary literature studies. However, the original and fruitful critical path they underlie is capable of opening new windows for the interpretation of older texts. At the time the Goethean concept of Weltliteratur was taking shape, the emergence of national literatures was taking place in opposition to French cultural sovereignty. Paradoxically, this displacement of centres was accompanied in France by writers who, even though they were part of a 'centre', chose to decentre. This is the case of the popular novelists of the romantisme noir in the first nineteenth century. We will therefore propose to analyse the possible causes and effects of this equivocal writing in relation to 'centrality' and examine how the popular writers of the romantisme noir present the 'voices' from the periphery in their writing. Indeed, the reconfiguration of novelistic poetics, partly imposed by the chosen genre, reflects a dynamic of the relation between centre and periphery. Through it, the authors affirm a crossbreeding of representations which ensures, between production and reception, an invitation to decentring, at least in the novelistic space.

dark romanticism; popular fiction; centre; periphery; decentring


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