Interlinguistic transfers relating to prepositions expressing spatiotemporal anteriority and posteriority as well as the notion of order


This article is focused on the acquisition of French and Spanish prepositions marking spatiotemporal anteriority or posteriority and the notion of order by Czech speakers, as well as on the role (positive or negative) of the mother tongue in this process. In Czech, we concentrate on the prepositions před, za and po, whose nuances of meaning correspond to a variety of French and Spanish equivalents (including devant/derrière [in front of/behind], avant/après [before/after], il y a/dans [ago/in], etc.). French and Spanish are closely related languages, whereas Czech and French or Czech and Spanish are unrelated and geographically distant. We tested a selection of twenty prepositional uses with Czech learners of French or Spanish (mostly university students) adopting two experimental tasks (multiple-choice questionnaires). Our aim was to identify the constructions that learners produce correctly or incorrectly and, consequently, to confirm the existence of some positive as well as negative transfers from Czech to French or Spanish.

preposition; prepositive phrase; positive and negative interlinguistic transfer; French; Spanish; Czech


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