Grammar gender of COVID-xenisms II


The main theme of the investigation is the foreign words used, in Portuguese, in their original form (also called xenisms) and that emerged as new words or updated their semantic scope during the COVID-19 pandemic, being incorporated in the list "The Covid-19 Lexicon" by Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa. We focus on borrowed words of English origin and observe their general knowledge and morphological adoption by native speakers, based on a survey distributed among native Portuguese speakers of different Lusophone nationalities, in March and April 2021.The corpus, which consists of 14 expressions, was divided into two parts, and analysed in two phases due to limitations resulting from the publication rules. The words burnout, COVID-19, covid-longa, covid-drive, fake-news, hoax, lockdown, remdesivir/rendesivir, webinar and zoonosis were part of the first phase, and, in this second part, we will present the analysis of the following four terms: task-force, lay-off, coronabonds and take-away. As proved in the first phase of the research, the degree of knowledge and the attribution of the grammatical gender to these xenisms are submitted, above all, to the diatopic factor and, partially, also to the acquired school formation. These two criteria, therefore, will be considered as decisive also in this analysis, in which we will observe the relationship between general knowledge and the lexicographic treatment of the four expressions and we will establish their coefficient and degree of generic oscillation, in order to contribute to more complete and effective incorporation in the dictionaries.

COVID-19; xenism; foreign words; grammatical gender; generic oscillation coefficient; degree of generic oscillation


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