De la poétique à l'étymologie interne: le double sens en védique ancien


The vocabulary of Old Indo-Aryan, and especially of Vedic texts, is famous for its wide extension of polysemy. This is due to the devices of composition of the mantras by bards which were skilled at exploiting the resources of their own language. The structural components of the pun or double-entendre (śleṣa) were already present at Vedic stage. The study reviews several cases of double meaning which result from conscious play with competing etymologies of the same word. The Vedic poets were eager to renew constantly the vocabulary through choosing words which were motivated by synchronic etymology according to an internal metalinguistic approach. This trend may lead to the modification of words and even to the creation of new words. In some cases the semantic evolution which took place in a specific context went along with an etymological shift. Finally, the formal alteration of the noun referring to 'door(s)' testifies for the influence of the formulaic language at phonological level.

Old Indo-Aryan; Sanskrit; Vedic poetry; lexicography; polysemy; śleṣa; paronomasia; etymology; homonymy; synonymy; metaphor


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