The experience of exile in Inácio Rebelo de Andrade's work


The emigration topics permeate the literatures from countries that have suffered the colonization process since its birth, and gets to contemporaneity through the multiple voices of the writers disseminated through the world. Inácio Rebêlo de Andrade, Angolan poet and fiction writer settled in Portugal, joins this tradition, doing a work that thematizes the binomial emigrant-exiled, creating roles that are victims of home country missing and return obsession. Using post-colonial studies' subsides, we track the estrangement representation caused by the exile on the novel Na babugem do êxodo (2005), focusing on the exercise of home country evoking through the written language, where the historical and referential exile element incorporate the representative universe, conforming and changing it. Evidently, there is much more than the language itself when it comes to emigration. The individual abandons his most deep references and jumps into the unknown, where the strangeness first appears as his difficulty with the new language. In the African emigrates to the Portuguese countries language, the problem is apparently not that big because of the common language, although the accentuated differences between the two ways of speaking Portuguese establish the peculiar lack of comfort of who arrives in a new land. So, it is made imperative the need to get "alphabetized" (in his own language) to survive, to let go your roots to outcome the pain of the loss. It is interesting to observe that all emigrants have fed the dream of searching for a new place to live before he starts dreaming to go back to his or her village. In the exile, the missing of his homeland, made bigger by the feeling of being a foreigner, makes that overseas place a most legitimate reference of his existence.

post-colonial; emmigration; missing; lusophony


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