Spaces of transition, 'heterotopias' and 'non-spaces' – a study on the literary representation of the train station


The study intends to analyse some literary representations of the train station in the contemporary literature written in Italian by immigrants. They have depicted some of the Italian cities and their landmarks in a quite critical way from a decentralised point of view. The study is structured into four parts and treats two canonical Italian writers, Carlo Emilio Gadda and Italo Svevo, and two "migrant" writers, Igiaba Scego, an Italian with Somali roots, and the Russian Anna Belozorovitch. Through a comparative approach, I will try to answer the following questions: How did the literary function of the station diachronically change? Is there a continuity in the semantical and metaphorical structures of the train station in the literature from the early 20th century to the present? Are there any influences on the so-called migrant writers by the canonical writers? And to what extent do the new space theories, such as the non-space (Marc Augé) and the heterotopia (Michel Foucault), affect the migrant literature?

migration literature; heterotopia; non-space; train station; modernity; home; literary tradition


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