Towards a transhumanism with André and Simone Schwarz-Bart's bifocal lens


In their two posthumous publications, André and Simone Schwarz-Bart once more deal with forced migration across time and space, offering L'Ancêtre en Solitude as a sequel to A Woman Named Solitude. The transplantation of millions of Africans is analogous, in the mind of author, André Schwarz-Bart, to the wandering of the millions of Jews forced to leave their places of origin over the centuries. L'Etoile du matin, for example, takes us simultaneously back to Poland prior to the Holocaust and inside the life of a Holocaust survivor. The main aim of the authors' transdisciplinary writing is the defence of transhumanism as Morin understands it: in spite of differences of ethnicity, sex, culture or religion, we all belong to the same human family and can, with the progress of science, become inhabitants of the "planet of mutants" (Prologue, Morning Star). Ultimately the authors try to view the "Catastrophes" of the remote past, a distant country, through a bifocal lens: from close quarters and at a distance, enlarging or reducing the importance of events and places in order to render them more or less troubling and haunting.

littérature antillaise; Caribbean literature; knot of memory; Jewish diaspora; posthumous novels; co-writing; multiple viewpoint


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