The management of language variation in Basque and A Fala: "pluricentric" or "compositional"?


The present work originated from the apparent contradiction in the standardization between compositionality (Einar Haugen 1968) and pluricentricity (Kloss 1967) in the codification of Basque. There is no such contradiction: the latter occurred when the standardization of the Basque language was in its initial phase; the former, when the Basque standardization had already advanced with an elaborate corpus planning approach. Therefore, a succession relationship would have occurred. The analysis we have made of "A Fala" of the Val de Xálima following Valeš (2019) confirms this succession. In addition to undoing this possible contradiction, the analysis of the different testimonies has allowed us to identify different issues related to the term compositionality: the perfect equity between dialects is a utopia; the compositionality implies a dynamism in the relationship between standardization and the vernacular varieties; and the structural distance between dialects is a factor that can condition the adoption of compositionality.

A Fala; Basque; comparative standardology; compositionality; Val de Xálima; lagarteiru; language variation; pluricentricity


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