Describing the characteristics of Italian translator instrumental competence within its training programme in Spain


This work presents a curricular analysis whose aim is to inquire about the instrumental competence of Italian translators trained withing the Degree of Translation and Interpreting in Spain. Our notion of instrumental competence is embodied both in a compendium of IT literacy and digital resources, as well as in the student's own technological experience within the teaching-learning process. The research presented is based on a documentary analysis of the study plans involved in this training, from which a total of 263 relevant items have been retrieved. The results suggest that there is room for improvement regarding the inclusion of instrumental contents, since the presence of computer tools, digital resources and materials in relation to the analyzed working language is anecdotal, thus generating risk of compartmentalisation in training, as we conclude at the end of our study.

instrumental competence; Italian; study plans; technology; translation and interpreting


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