Verticalidade e horizontalidade entre centro(s) e periferia(s) : as literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa em inglês, alemão e italiano


Portuguese-language African literatures are produced in a double-peripheral space, at the crossroads of the African literary space and the Portuguese-language literary system. This double peripherality creates a strong tendency to see translation as a weapon of affirmation and as a prize per se and the circulation in Northern global markets as a fundamental objective. This article will focus on the structure of translation corpora into three languages: English (hyper-central), German (central) and Italian (semi-peripheral). We seek to show how world-literature, even inside a hierarchical anglo-centred (but not necessarily anglo-centric) vision, is an extremely fragmented space in which the relative weight of (semi-)peripheral literary systems still exerts an important role in form of horizontal literary exchanges, which partly compensates verticality of English-mediated literary relationships.

Klíčová slova:
tradução; literatura-mundo; literaturas africanas em português; relação centro/periferia


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