El tratamiento del léxico especializado en los diccionarios generales bilingües inglés/español: las siglas y otras categorías de acortamientos


In recent decades there has been a revolution in expert knowledge due to the emergence of new concepts and, therefore, of a great number of words, so general vocabulary has been gradually enlarged with terms traditionally limited to specialized discourse. This fact has not been ignored by the editors of general dictionaries, which include more entries in order to meet their users' demands. In addition, expert knowledge is usually produced in the English language. However, in a globalised world the need to transfer it to other languages such as Spanish has emerged. To solve the difficulties which arise for users in the transference of specialized knowledge into other languages they normally consult general bilingual dictionaries, despite the fact that this tool is not the most suitable when making decisions about equivalents of specialized vocabulary in other language. While looking in general bilingual dictionaries, coming across specialized abbreviations and acronyms can become an obstacle for users. Given the lack of research in English and Spanish bilingual lexicography, in this paper we try to get an approximation of the treatment of the aforementioned items in two of the most prestigious general bilingual dictionaries in English and Spanish. From the results obtained in our study we hope to obtain relevant data that emphasize the need to improve the standard of information gathered in these reference works as well as to implement the searching procedures used by translators and interpreters.

abbreviations; acronyms; general bilingual dictionaries; specialized vocabulary; computing vocabulary in English and Spanish


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