Milano, fin qui tutto bene: between resistance and homologation


In this study I have explored the themes and language used by Gabriella Kuruvilla in her novel Milano, fin qui tutto bene (2012), focusing my attention on the representation of the multicultural context and the relations which take place within it. Koruvilla manages to shed light on the negative aspects of globalization through the narrative structure of multiple focalization, and maps a series of conflicts which regard the process of blending different cultures together. Feelings of fear and hostility towards the "others" and some sort of social paralysis inflict most of the characters who are often portrayed as incapable of creating deep bonds with anyone who threatens their roots or beliefs. The novel falls into the genre of global literature, more specifically into the group of texts labelled as "Migrant Literature", while showing an explicit distance from the Eurocentric perspective with a need for a return to reality and its objects.

multiculturalism; migration; city; focalization; reality; globalization


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