Johann Ignaz Cimbal a malíři pracující pro řád milosrdných bratří na Moravě v druhé polovině 18. století


During the course of the 18th century, the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God settled progressively in Prostějov, Brno, Letovice and Vizovice. A significant part in the decoration of the newly built monasteries and churches was played by painters, not only the Order's "in-house" painters, but also artists from Vienna. One artist who worked for the Hospitaller Brothers virtually as an in-house painter was the graduate of the Viennese Academy Johann Ignaz Cimbal (1722–1795). To his work for the Hospitaller Brothers in Brno and Valtice (Feldberg), which was already known, can now be added newly discovered work for the churches of the Order in Prostějov and Letovice. The circle of inhouse painters working for the Hospitaller Brothers can be expanded to include the work of the painters Johann Jablonský (1737–?) and Ignaz Mayer the Elder (ca. 1720–1785), both based in Brno. At the same time some correction is called for in the identification of the painters responsible for works previously attributed to Franz Anton Šebesta-Sebastini (1724–1789) and Josef Stern (1716–1775).

Klíčová slova:
Johann Ignaz Cimbal; Johann Jablonský; Felix Ivo Leicher; Josef Stern; František Antonín Šebesta-Sebastini; Franz Xaver Wagenschön; baroque painting; Hospitaller Order of St. John of God; Brno; Letovice; Prostějov; Valtice/Feldberg; Vizovice; 18th century





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