Свой круг by L.S. Petrushevskaya Seen through the Bakhtin's Formal Principle of Carnivalisation


Contemporary Russian writer L. S. Petrushevskaya is interested in modern interpersonal relations and social systems. Her literary production confirms that a satiric attitude of an artist is still the most important device of nonconformist authors, whose works play against the official discourse. One of such a works is Petrushevskaya's prose Свой круг, which is to discover the balance between social and artistic language (that is acceptable and that is not). In this paper Свой круг is analyzed through the formal principle of carnivalisation by M. M. Bakhtin, which opens important problems of political, cultural and social background of the years of transformation and early post-soviet period.

L. S. Petrushevskaya; M. M. Bakhtin; Principle Of Carnivalisation; Interpersonal Relations; Satire


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