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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not yet been published, nor is it currently submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • Submissions are accepted only in electronic form in .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt format.
  • URL links to references are provided wherever possible.
  • The text is indented 1; the font size is 12; italics are used rather than underlining (except for url addresses); all table illustrations and figures are placed in the text rather than at the end.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • If a paper is submitted to the peer-reviewed section of a journal, the instructions for Ensuring anonymous peer review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for contributors

1. General instructions

Executive Editorial Board accepts for submission only original articles from the area of literary and linguistic Slavic Studies (with possible interdisciplinary overlap)which have not been yet published (it also applies at mutations of the texts in foreign language and translations) and whose authors have no intent to publish elsewhere in future. The journal accepts texts written in any Slavic language as well as in English and German.

Manuscripts are accepted exclusively in electronic form in formats .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt.

Authors of the articles will provide affiliation in English: name and surname, institution (department, faculty, university) and e-mail. Authors are not permitted to publish under another name, anonymously or under pseudonym.

Executive Editorial Board reserves the right to require editing the article in the required formal format by the author. Moreover it reserves the right to decline publishing of the paper a) if it counters the ethical and moral principles listed on the journal website, b) if the author refuses to follow the required formal format of the article, c) if the paper is of apparent low orthographic level d) if the author refuses to incorporate objections of the review process into the article. Final decision on publishing or not publishing the paper lies solely in the hands of the executive editors and editor in chief of the journal.

Articles are invited by e-mail at the editorial office address.

The deadline for sending manuscripts of peer-reviewed articles is March 31, and for non-peer-reviewed articles, it is April 30 for the first issues and September 30 and October 31 for the second issues.

2. Formal requirements on the manuscripts and their placement into the sections

Articles are published in four sections: Studies (including thematic block), Discussion and Review Articles, Reviews and News. The recommended length of each type of contribution is as follows: research papers (studies) 20,000–45,000 characters with spaces, discussion and review articles max. 36,000 characters with spaces, reviews and news min. 3,600 and max. 18,000 characters with spaces. Executive Editorial Boar reserves the right to ask the author to shorten the article in case of exciding the scope or, on the other hand, in justified cases, provide a longer paper.

Studies have to be accompanied by abstract (with extent of max. a half of standard page) and key words (min. 5) in the language of the article, and with abstractkey words, and title in English.

Contributions to the section Discussion and Review Articles are published without abstracts and key words. In this section, review articles and discussions are published.

Review has to contain full bibliography quotation (author, title, place of issue, year of issue, optionally number of pages, publisher, ISBN etc.). Reviews can comprise both monographs and journals etc. Reviews can be both individual and also multiple (usually thematically related monographs or more monographs written by one author).

In section News, important news from the field of study are published, commemoration of various anniversaries and jubilees, profiles, obituaries, conference and workshop invitations as well as news from them.

Other contributions (discussions, polemics, comments, criticism, article feedback, furthermore interviews, short informative reviews and all other materials) are placed by its character in sections Discussion and Review Articles, Reviews or News.

Treatises in the section Studies (including thematic block) are reviewed anonymously by two independent reviewers, other sections are not reviewed (details on the review process can be found on the web).

3. Recommendations for word processing and proofreading

In the text of the submitted paper, it is recommended:

  • not to indent using spaces,
  • avoid manual line breaks,
  • align text to the left flag without hyphenation,
  • separate paragraphs by a line without paragraph indents,
  • use a single font and font size,
  • separate paragraphs by the skipped row,
  • highlight exclusively by italicsbold, exceptionally bold italics; underlining and tracking are not recommended,
  • create footnotes using the automatic function.

Journal is produced in LaTeX system, not in Word, therefore all simplifying and automatic editing (except for footnotes), even if carried out in good faith, mean further obstructions for the typesetter’s work.

Editorial board carries out only systematic typographic editing of the text, proofreading is not carried out; nevertheless the editing board reserves the right for all language, orthographic, stylistic, formal or other changes to the paper. All performed changes can be assessed by the author during author’s page proofreading, which is performed in all the contributions based on the submitted PDF (proofreading is done in electronic form; just in justified cases proofreading can be done in paper form). If large number of proofreading or more significant changes applies, second author’s proofreading can be performed.

If the article contains strange, special or unusual characters (accents in Cyrillic, Old Slavonic, phonetic transcription, oriental or exotic languages etc.), corresponding font has to be attached. In these cases, it is recommended to submit the text also in PDF format for checking. The same applies if the text contains pictures, charts, graphs and other graphic elements. Pictures should be sent separately not to lose the level of quality during compression e.g. in Word.

4. Bibliographical references and footnotes

Due to the requirements of the international databases, it is necessary to list all the bibliographic references in the text as well as at its end in transliteration into the Latin alphabet (even in the texts in Cyrillic). Transliteration is carried out by the editing board in accordance with uniform rules. Author of the submitted text, therefore submits the references in original, nontransliterated form.

Please list bibliographical references collectively at the end of the article in the following form:

  • monograph: NOVÁK, P., NOVÁKOVÁ, P.: Aktuální otázky současné jazykovědné a literárněvědné slavistiky. Brno: Vydavatelství 5P, 2006, 320 s. ISBN X-123-456-789-0.
  • Journal article: NOVÁK, P.: Aktuální otázky současné jazykovědné a literárněvědné slavistiky. Slovanské jazyky, 2006, č. 6, s. 1–10. ISSN 1234-5678.
  • Contribution in proceedings: NOVÁK, P.: Aktuální otázky současné jazykovědné a literárněvědné slavistiky. In: NOVÁKOVÁ, P. (ed.): Slovanské jazyky. Brno: Vydavatelství 5P, 2006, s. 1–10. ISBN X‑123-456-789-0.
  • URL: www.aktualni-otazky.cz/jazykovedne. [online]. [cit. 01.12.2006].

Other online materials are cited as monographs or articles, always containing the date of the last assess (e.g. SURNAME, J. (year): Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year. Number. [online]. Available at: www.aktualni-otazky.cz/jazykovedne. [cit. DD.MM.YYYY])

In the text of the article itself, references are fully cited in footnotes. For repeated references, common words like ibidem are used.

Footnotes at the end of articles are not permitted.

Bibliographical references are transliterated according to the transliteration rules used by the National Library of the Czech Republic. It is possible to use the following web application for the transliteration: http://translit.slavistika.phil.muni.cz/

5. Complimentary copies

Editorial board does not send complimentary and review copies to the authors of articles and to reviewers. Electronic versions of all contributions suitable for downloading/printing are available in Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (http://digilib.phil.muni.cz).

6. Publication fees

The journal does not require authors to pay for any publication fees.

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