Transformation of the motif of journey in the conditions of contemporary globalisation (Sorokin–Topol)


This study analyses and compares Vladimir Sorokin's novel Manaraga and Jáchym Topol's novel A Sensitive Man (Citlivý člověk) in terms of the development of the motif of journey. It observes how the literary motif of journey is being transformed in the process of globalisation, whose depiction is one of the dominant themes of both narratives. Both storylines confirm that mobility is an attendant feature of globalisation. In addition, life stories of literary characters copy a contemporary migration of nations and cultures. Being on the way is an exclusive way of their existence, which is, moreover, asymptomatic for them. The author arrives at the conclusion that the compositional structure related to journey is steadily effective and significant for the narration: the authors develop the motif of journey as a symbol of a way of life. Furthermore, they use wandering of characters as a social probe. However, particular traditional functions of the motif of journey are considerably modified. In a fast-paced, unified and "scaled-down" world aimed at business and consumerism, the way loses its spiritual dimension and ceases to be the way of knowing the world and itself, but brings only superficial challenges and does not lead to moorings, and particularly home. Even life loses a clear direction, changes into volatility, a parade of superficial impulses and a presentation of superficial judgements, and especially to a sequence of constant changes, which undoubtedly reflects an existential state of contemporary man.

20th-century Russian literature; 20th-century Czech literature; Vladimir Sorokin; Jáchym Topol; imagology; globalisation


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