The fight of Man with Fate. L. Andreev's version (Based on the Play "The life of Man")


The article is devoted to the analysis of motives of revolt against the laws of the Universe in the play "The Life of Man" by Leonid Andreev. A number of binary oppositions are identified in the philosophical picture of the author's world. Identified are signs significant for the investigated motives describing the main features in the character system. The main acting persons and the originality of their communication are described, too. The heroes-doppelgangers are characterized, who participate in the disclosure of the idea of rebellion. The functions of heroes-doppelgangers are defined. The reasons of fight of the Man with the Fate are considered. Analysed are the specifics of the main conflict and the author's conception of man in the world.

Leonid Andreev; The Life of Man; fighting against God; fate; dramaturgy


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