Request as a genre of official business communication in religious discourse


The article analyzes the variety of texts of the Request — one of the genres of official business communication in religious discourse. The structure, language clichés, established lexical-syntactic inversions, semantic-syntactic relations, peculiarities of text-making of the genre of request are considered. According to the content of the Request we distinguish: request for the administration of the Sacrament; request for staffing; requests for awards; a request to establish a religious organization; requests for different needs; request for education in a theological school. According to the rank of participants in communicative acts, we record the following types of Requests: when the addressee is lower in rank or status than the addressee (clergy — clergy, laity — representatives of the church hierarchy); communication between equals (priest — a priest equal to him in rank); requests from the highest to the lowest.

official business communication; religious discourse; genres of official business texts; registration of documents; language clichés; the Request


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