Zdeněk Šmíd's Cejch


Šmíd's novel talks about the Ore Mountains, and focuses on the German and Czech population of this region. The compositional axis of the prose is formed by the so-called Noon Stone, which is significant particularly for Jakob Schmelzer. The novel is built on a paradoxical principle, which includes a paradoxical motif. The paradoxical nature is especially evident in the conclusion of the prose. The novel is further interwoven with prospectives and retrospectives, with anticipation and synchronous moments playing a significant role. The novel is imbued with a superstitious element in the from of a mysterious, mythical character. Šmíd framed the novel with a similar scene. Tectonically, the work is related to the prose of I. Olbracht and K. H. Mácha.

compositional axis; paradoxical principle; paradoxical motif; significant chapter; prospection; retrospection; anticipation; superstitious component; synchronic moment; framing


LEDERBUCHOVÁ, L.: Spisovatel Zdeněk Šmíd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2023. ISBN 978-80-261-1178-8.

ŠMÍD, Z.: Cejch. Praha: Knižní klub, 1992. ISBN 80-85634--01-5.

VŠETIČKA, F.: Cikáni Karla Hynka Máchy. In: TÝŽ, Rázovité refugium: o kompoziční poetice české prózy 19. století. Jinočany: H&H, 2021, s. 23−34. ISBN 978-80-7319-141-2.

VŠETIČKA, F.: Román Ivana Olbrachta. In: TÝŽ, Možnosti Meleté: o kompoziční poetice české prózy desátých let 20. století. Olomouc: Votobia, 2005, s. 107−113. ISBN 80-7220-218-9.



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