Zdeněk Šmíd's Cejch
compositional axis; paradoxical principle; paradoxical motif; significant chapter; prospection; retrospection; anticipation; superstitious component; synchronic moment; framing
Šmíd's novel talks about the Ore Mountains, and focuses on the German and Czech population of this region. The compositional axis of the prose is formed by the so-called Noon Stone, which is significant particularly for Jakob Schmelzer. The novel is built on a paradoxical principle, which includes a paradoxical motif. The paradoxical nature is especially evident in the conclusion of the prose. The novel is further interwoven with prospectives and retrospectives, with anticipation and synchronous moments playing a significant role. The novel is imbued with a superstitious element in the from of a mysterious, mythical character. Šmíd framed the novel with a similar scene. Tectonically, the work is related to the prose of I. Olbracht and K. H. Mácha.
compositional axis; paradoxical principle; paradoxical motif; significant chapter; prospection; retrospection; anticipation; superstitious component; synchronic moment; framing
LEDERBUCHOVÁ, L.: Spisovatel Zdeněk Šmíd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2023. ISBN 978-80-261-1178-8.
ŠMÍD, Z.: Cejch. Praha: Knižní klub, 1992. ISBN 80-85634--01-5.
VŠETIČKA, F.: Cikáni Karla Hynka Máchy. In: TÝŽ, Rázovité refugium: o kompoziční poetice české prózy 19. století. Jinočany: H&H, 2021, s. 23−34. ISBN 978-80-7319-141-2.
VŠETIČKA, F.: Román Ivana Olbrachta. In: TÝŽ, Možnosti Meleté: o kompoziční poetice české prózy desátých let 20. století. Olomouc: Votobia, 2005, s. 107−113. ISBN 80-7220-218-9.

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