"Made come to life…" : Franz Kafka in Russian translations


The article is the first of its kind to analyze the substantial body of Kafka's texts translated into Russian; it also describes the history of Kafka's reception through early translation in Russia and the dynamics of the changing literary scene regarding Kafka's work throughout 20th and early 21st century. The translation analysis covers Kafka's main novels (The Castle, The Trial, Amerika) and stories. The diaries, letters and aphorisms were selectively studied in the original and in translation, but were not included in the illustrative examples in this article due to its limited size. The translations done by R. Rite-Kovaleva, M. Rudnitskiy, G. Notkin, E. Katseva, S. Apt and others are analyzed alongside the newest much talked-of texts, such as the translation into Russian from the English translation done by L. Bershidskiy, which allowed us to address the underexplored topic of trilingualism in the literary translation. The author follows the views of Walter Benjamin on the reasons for multiplicity and quality of translations, as well as the opinions of A. Filippov-Chekhov about the technique "nouveau chamanique" as the expression of B. Brecht's epic system in translation.

politicization of Kafka's creative work; history of publications in Russian; insufficiency of hermeneutical tasks; myth of Kafka's officialese; mechanism of irony; trilingualism; degree of proximity to the original


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