Češki vplivi na toporišičevo teorijo členkov


The classification of word class of particles in the Slovene Grammar 2000 is a literal copy of classification of particles in the Czech Grammar (Mluvnice češtiny 2, 1986). The impact of a certain linguistic school on others is recurrent and expected, but the present case is special due to the fact that in the mentioned Slovene standard handbook it is very difficult to understand the division and theoretical analysis of functions of word class of particles. When copying, the author of the Slovene Grammar 2000 omitted the theoretical introduction which explains in more detail the basis for forming four primary groups of particles, their subgroups, and their different functions. Omitted is also the mentioning of the original which served as material for translation.

Klíčová slova:
particles; word-stock; Slovene Grammar; Czech Grammar; influence; theory; classification


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