Posebnosti sklanjatve samostalnikov v prleškem narečju panonske narečne skupine na primeru govora vasi Cven


Based on the example of speech in the village of Cven, the article discusses the particularities of noun inflections in the Prlekija dialect (the Pannonian dialect group) with a synchronic morphophonemic and morphological analysis. All three genders, all the numbers and all the cases have been preserved. The strong morphology-dependent stress contributes to the predominance of the fixed stem-stress paradigm, although nouns are still inflected according to the mobile stem-stress and mixed stem-stress paradigms. The dual, which is slowly disappearing from certain Slovenian dialects, has been strongly preserved. With certain nouns, the feminisation of neuter occurs (mostly with a singular number).

Klíčová slova:
dialectology; the Pannonian dialect group; the Prlekija dialect; morphology; morphophonology; noun


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