Pragmastilistika i kognitivne sheme dramskoga sukoba koji se već dogodio


The paper will attempt to offer a model for the pragmastylistic analysis of the dramatic conflict in those plays in which the conflict has already occurred. In addition to the already established pragmatist tools that mainly use Goffman's face theory, Grice's principle of cooperation and maxims, and Brown-Levinson's politeness strategies, the analysis will include the cognitive theories of schemas, which will consequentlly lead to the consideration of discourse deviation and schema refreshment. Lada Kaštelan's The Last Link, which has already been marked as a spatio-temporal simultaneity and in which we can sense the dramaturgical solution of polyphony in the form of a collective stage, will serve as a suitable dramatic text for the analysis of the conflict that has already occurred. The offered analysis will determine the pragmatist characteristics of contemporary Croatian dramas, which are most evident in the ambiguity of time-space boundaries, monologic-dialogic determinations, and multi-level communication realized in the right that everyone speaks at the same time.

Klíčová slova:
pragmastylistics; cognitive schemas; The Last Link; schema refreshment; collective stage


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