Microtoponyms in the context of the Ukrainian cultural heritage


The article contains the analysis of microtoponyms in terms of their cultural connotation. The culture is an indicator of the advanced development of every nation. It is formed of many material and spiritual components. Microtoponyms also present an important part of the Ukrainian culture. They reflect the basic values of people. Microtoponyms are directly related to the history of the nation, reflect its mythological, folklore and sacred thinking, national anthroponymicon, social relations, main types of settlements, etc. Microtoponyms are mental forwarders created under the influence of the national language, national traditions and culture that reveal themselves in the realia most cherished by the nation. The microtoponymic space of Ukraine is an extremely powerful component of the national and cultural map.

microtoponym; culture; history; folklore; sacredness; anthroponym


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