N. I. Grech and his time in "Notes about My Life"


Nikolay Ivanovich Grech—one of the most influential writers of the historical-literary process in the first half of the XIXth century, and the objective value of his life philosophy and works need to be objectively restored. The article considers memoirs "Notes about my life" by N. I. Grech in which he created a memorable image of the time between XVIIIth–XIXth centuries. The events that he witnessed and took part in are described, special attention is paid to the writer's attitude to the Senate Square riot in 1825 as to a "stupid and bloody idea". The given approach makes it possible to show reasons that made a respected publisher of the first patriotic magazine "Son of the Fatherhood", teacher, author of several Russian grammar studybooks, a talented writer into a tragic figure in the history of the Russian literature and social thinking.

Grech; notes; epoch; decembrists; plotters


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