Activities of academic libraries in information education: situation from 2006 to 2010 at public universities in the Czech Republic

Information Education and Information Literacy


In the Czech Republic, the topic of information education and information literacy has been developing and discussed for many years now. Since 2002, there has been a platform available for meetings, discussions and sharing of experiences – Information Education and Information Literacy Working Group (IVIG). One of the IVIG’s key tasks is monitoring of the situation at the Czech universities and in the academic libraries, focusing on their educational activities (user education, information education). The biannual questionnaire surveys have been conducted (in 2006, 2008 and 2010). In this paper we focus on the surveys results and analysis of trends, current issues and possibilities for future development. The most common formats, topics and target groups of user education in the Czech academic libraries have been described. Also, the surveys uncovered the level of embedding the information education into the curricula and inclusion into the long term plans of each of the universities. Based on the survey results, the opportunities and obstacles of the future development in this area have been identified.

Hana Landová

Ústavu informačních studií a knihovnictví FF UK

Zdeňka Civínová

Ústřední knihovně ČVUT v Praze

information literacy; information education; academic libraries; user education; Information Education and Information Literacy Working Group; Association of Libraries of Czech Universities; questionaire survey

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