Reconstructive hermeneutics as a general methodology of information science

Methodological Issues in Library and Information Studies and Current Research in the Field


The aim of the article is an introduction of reconstructive hermeneutics which follows the work of Emilio Betti, the Italian historian of law and philosopher, into information science. The adoption of reconstructive hermeneutics cannot be provided without looking into some presuppositions which make such type of philosophy accessible as a method in general and plausible as a method for information science in particular. Reconstructive hermeneutics comes from the hypothesis, according to which human knowledge is objective. It means that first presupposition of reconstructive hermeneutics is an acceptability of scientific realism.  The introduction of reconstructive hermeneutics into information science is possible, only if the objects of the research in information science perform representative function, it means, only if information science focuses on the research of signs and semiotics systems. That is the second presupposition, according to which reconstructive hermeneutics is accessible for using in information science. First chapter of the article deals with hermeneutics, its trends and its philosophical fundaments. In the second chapter, the epistemic grounding of realism is provided and correspondence theory of truth and scientific realism is introduced. The third chapter is dedicated to reconstructive hermeneutics which is interconnected with correspondence theory of truth and scientific realism and an usability of reconstructive hermeneutics for information science is checked.


Jiří Stodola

Středisko Teiresiás MU v Brně

information science; methodology; noetics; human knowledge; correspondence theory of truth; scientific realism; reconstructive hermeneutics; interptetation; Jiří Fuchs; Alfred Tarski; Karl Raymund Popper; Emilio Betti

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