Individuals, social networks and knowledge: Options and limits of cognitive and socio-domain paradigm in information science and the realistic model of a domain

Internet social networks


In 90th of 20th century, there was a gradual transition from cognitive paradigm, which focus on individuum as a subject of knowledge, toward socio-domain paradigm, which deals with a research of the production and transfer of knowledge in domains. Domain is understood as a social network of the individuals, which are connected by the common interest in certain subject of knowledge, by the common thought pattern, and by the way of communication - discourse. Both cognitive and socio-domain paradigm have strengths and weaknesses. In the article, there are discussed advantages and disadvantages of both paradigms and there is designed approach, which allows to avoid the weaknesses and to achieve strengths. There is designed a realistic model of the domain based on this approach in the final part of the article.

Jiří Stodola

Středisko Teiresiás MU v Brně

information science; epistemology; cognitive paradigm; socio-domain paradigm; domain

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