Typology of Users: Social Networks and Libraries

Internet social networks


The goal of a librarian and information professional should be to meet the information needs of library patrons and information users. The methodology of working with a patron is determined by his affiliation to a certain category. Categorization of patrons is well known and well described in literature. Conversely, the typology of social networks users is not firmly established, furthermore the methods of working with such a user are not firmly established either.

The comparison of the categorization of patrons and typology of social networks users is now gaining more importance in a time when we see the expansion of social networks and growth in their usage for promotion and marketing of organizations. There are many initiatives that try to gather and utilize information about users of social networks. It is vitally important for libraries to sort, unite and efficiently use this kind of information.

The choice of form and method of working with patrons in a library and even with social networks users is determined by the overall maturity and level of man as an individual in a cultural society. People who do not participate in social networks may feel inferior or even handicapped in some way and may also be seen as such by the active users of social networks. When we join the group of library patrons with the group of social networks users, we get an important group of users that deserves our focus. We need to know them better in order to satisfy their information needs.

It is necessary to connect the categorization of library patrons with the typology of users of social networks so that we can better understand their information needs problems and interests. The article primarily uses current typologies of web users, internet users, social media and social networks users. A good example of such typology is a study presented by Digital Life or typology created by Forresteer Research (Social Media Census), which focuses on research of social networks users.

This article also considers the research done by British-American team led by D. White in addition to other literature. When comparing the typologies it is necessary to bear in mind that the users of social networks are aging and their needs are changing. The goal of this article was to explore presented typologies of social networks users and categorization of patrons and to compare them.

As a result of this comparison a need to create a new typology for library patrons, is recognized. The current typology of patrons is still suitable for the traditional (paper) environment, but does not suit well in electronic environment. The new typology should take in account the needs of “resident”-like users. The article offers a survey into current literature and outline of new typology of users.


Štěpánka Tůmová

Slezská univerzita v Opavě

Libraries; social media; social networks; typology of users; information needs; information and communication technologies; web

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