Information Safety Education in Czech Libraries
Autumn issue 2012
The core of the article is composed of basic presentation of results from the survey for the needs of the student project iNeBe - Information danger. The survey has a broader context of information security in the context of the services of Czech libraries. It builds on the results of investigations in related areas, but it is unique in its focus on libraries and in finding the most effective and most requested ways to raise awareness of information safety in Czech libraries, whether it relates to education library staff itself or its users. Article has a form close to the research report, because it involves a methodological definition, the essential findings and suggestions for further research that arise from the interesting results.
Pavla Kovářová, Martin Hájek, Lenka Kvapilová, Lucie Májková, Lenka Matušková, Radek Mezuláník, Hana Sloupenská
Kabinet informačních studií a knihovnictví, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita v Brně
Education; information literacy; information safety; libraries; research; survey
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