A few notes (not only) to the contribution of Chardin to the theory of information

Autumn issue 2012


It is interesting that in the debate over the nature of information and its importance for other areas of human knowledge the person of a French theologian P. T. de Chardin is often being left aside. He understands the growth of consciousness (ie, information) as a fundamental characteristic of human existence. What's more, he attempts to use the model to explain an important philosophical and psychological problems. Such as what is happiness, where it's heading our lives, etc.. The following contribution will try to outline briefly some of the basic ideas that may be important for further research in information science.


Michal Černý

Kabinet informačních studií a knihovnictví, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita v Brně

information; happiness; evolution; growth; entropy; noosphere; consciousness

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PRIGOGINE, Ilya. Řád z chaosu: nový dialog člověka s přírodou. Vyd. 1. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2001, 316 s. ISBN 80-204-0910-6.

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