A Description of the Template ISO 690:2011 in the CSL Language for the Reference Manager Zotero
Autumn issue 2013
Failure to cite information sources used in a scientific paper is considered a violation of publication ethics and copyright. Many citation styles exist due to the different requirements of publishers. For this reason, authors have at their disposal various helpful tools in the form of reference managers to facilitate citation. Some of these reference managers use Citation Style Language (CSL). One of them is Zotero for which we optimized a CSL template for citation style ISO 690 because this style is often recommended to Czech university students writing their theses. CSL is an open and freely available programming language which is based on the markup language XML and which makes it possible to automatically format citations and bibliographic references according to a specific citation style.
The CSL template has a specifically defined structure consisting of the XML declaration and the root element <style> containing nested elements <info>, <locale>, <macro>, <citation> and<bibliography>. Element <info> contains metadata about the citation style and requires at least the elements <title>, <id>, <updated> and <link>. Language and regional options are defined by element <style> referring to the appropriate localization file or by element <locale> including necessary terms and data. Complex sorting and formatting rules defining, for example, the order of authors‘/editors‘ first and last names can be created by the element <macro>. Element <citation>is used to specify the formatting of citations in the text, while the element <bibliography>regulates the type of bibliographic references in the reference list. Render elements <text>,<date>, <number>, <names>, <label>, <group> and <choose> are used to adjust the format of citation and to sort data elements in the bibliographic reference.
Despite some limitations (e.g. inability to state ISMN, copyright date, approximate release date or time of viewing of an online document) CSL and reference manager Zotero are powerful tools for creating templates which fully comply to the specific citation style requirements. At the present, optimization of ISO 690 continues for less often used types of documents such as manuscripts, audio and film recordings, maps etc.
Libor Ansorge
Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka
Jiří Kratochvíl
Knihovna univerzitního kampusu Masarykovy univerzity v Brně
citing; citation ethics; reference manager; ISO 690; Citation Style Language; publication ethics; citation style template; Zotero
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