The final anthropic principle in philosophy, pedagogy and information science



The article offers a critical look at the final anthropic principle and analyzes it primarily from the perspective of philosophy, pedagogy and information science. The weakest points of the theory are undeniably vague definition of information as well as current astrophysicalobservations that leans more towards a model the open universe than closed. The text compares Tipler's and de Chardin's concept of growth information and the Omega point, and offers insight into the new "digital pedagogy" as timely and important educational discipline.


Michal Černý

Kabinet informačních studií a knihovnictví
Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno

final anthropic principle; Tipler; de Chardin; Point Omega; artificial intelligence; life; person

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