New tools for cataloguing of map fonds and collections



Purpose – This paper presents online tools intended to work with old maps developed in Moravian Library in Brno. Virtual map collections have improved access to old maps in the Czech Republic for general public over the last decade. These collections use more efficient search so-called “geographic” or “space-time” search. However, it is necessary to provide basic data about processed map - extent of the territory, detail level of each map, dating - and in case of map series helps also standardization of the bibliographic records.

Design/methodology/approach – The article introduces benefits of geographic search with applicationin online catalogues of memory institutions. It mainly describes the individual cataloging tools, which simplify processing of old maps.

Results – Described online tools allow users to easily acquire the attributes needed for geographic search - the scope of the map field and scale. BoundingBox tool is used to obtain coordinates to define the map field, Georeferencer (available online at provides more accurate georeferencing of digitalized maps. The map scale can be easily calculated with Scale Calculator tool, even though it is not written in the documents or it is expressed only graphically. The Mapseries tool guarantees uniformed record description, and therefore the searchability of individual sections of maps across different institutions.

Originality/value – These tools are based on cataloguing experiences. They do not replace cartometric analysis. They are intended as user friendly online tools to provide convenient and quick access to old maps scattered among various memory institutions in Czech Republic.The Moravian Library in Brno participated in the development of the described tools within its research and development activities.

historical cartography; old maps; map series; GLAM institutions; cataloguing; bounding box; geographic search

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