Digitization of phonograph records labels as a tool for effective museum record-keeping: Results of a survey of the collection of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music



Purpose – The purpose of the research study is to explain the process of introducing photographic documentation of gramophone record labels in connection with the issues of record-keeping within the sound archive collections of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music. The digitization of labels, in this case standard shellac discs, is seen in the text as an unprecedentedly effective tool in the record-keeping practices of the museum. At the same time, the use of the digital image of the label offers additional advantages in describing, studying and evaluating collections of this type of audio media.

Design / Methodology / Approach – Based on a survey of the physical state of sound carrier collections and surviving records, an innovative approach of photographic label scanning was implemented . Subsequent processing of electronic evidence into spreadsheet form was performed, using available tools (sorting and filtering), as a basis for expert assessment of the collection and for compiling a statistical overview.

Results – The intended results of a survey of record labels are 1) a table populated with professionally-curated, accurate data data 2) the compiled statistical data can be used to evaluate the most frequent occurrences of an attribute of the collection (eg. the most frequent type of damage found, the most prolific publishing companies, etc.). The key result, however, is that it introduces  photographic digitisation (ergo, preservation)  of labels as an effective aid to their evidence, without which the above-mentioned results would not have come to be.

Originality / Value – The benefits of the survey are the many advantages of having a digital representation of the object, one which overcomes the limitations of traditional, established methods in practice as part of memory institutions’ processes (especially in libraries and museums). It offers improvements on several levels: in the process of long-term preservation of collection items, in making digitized content available more easily, and in the potential for providing a more comprehensive assessment of both individual collection items and collections as a whole.

museum; digitization; evidence; cataloging; gramophone record; audio documents; shellac; museum collection; phonograph label
Author biographies

Gabriel Gössel

Member of the project NAKI II - New Phonograph

Private collector of historical audio media and players and

Martin Mejzr

National Museum

Člen projektu NAKI II – Nový fonograf

Michal Studničný

National Museum

Člen projektu NAKI II – Nový fonograf

Filip Šír

National Museum

Hlavní řešitel projektu NAKI II – Nový fonograf

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