Significant properties: contribution to collective unknown



Purpose – This article deals with the matter of significant properties of digital objects and it aims to apply this concept within the NDL. In the text, we present various approaches to the question of significant properties and how to identify them as well as their different kinds. The goal is to try to identify data-centric technical properties of audio and image files within NDL, which need to be preserved and to present a way how to record them. It can be classified as a research study.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Regarding used methodology, this article is an analysis. It sums up different approaches of international institutions to the significant properties and the ways of identifying them. It deals more closely with possibilities of recording them in PREMIS and it addresses duplicity of information, too. Building on that, it presents a list of technical properties which we consider significant.  

Results – The analysis of the technical properties within NDL standards and the significant properties recommended by other institutions allowed identification of the significant properties for audio and image files for single objects within NDL. This list can be used in the future as a groundwork for potential implementation of significant properties to the NDL standards.

Originality/Value – The benefit of the article is a comprehensive overview of the matter of significant properties and creation of groundwork for future development of NDL standards. It also mentions other types of significant properties, which need to be addressed in the future.

significant properties; significant characteristics; PREMIS; National Digital Library; digital archiving; technical metadata; audio files; image files

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