Film sound in its material manifestations: In collection of Národní filmový archiv, Prague and with regards to the work of Zdeněk Liška



Purpose – This paper deals with the question of finding traces of historical film sound production process in production magnetic tapes. with regards to its material manifestations. Film sound production leaves traces of its development and underlying creative processes in all of its stages. Materials that contain these traces can be used to retrospectively analyse both the development of the film work in question and the creative processes that lie behind its sound and music.

Design/Methodology/Approach – As part of the research, magnetic materials, present at the Národní filmový archiv in Prague, that contain the preliminary and final versions of the film sound were analysed. Data contained on their packaging was used in a case study that describes individual types of audio carriers and their contents. Digitized tapes were used for a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of the materials. These case studies were further used to describe the relationship between individual generations of the film and non-film material. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is followed by an effort to modify the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) standard in order to create a conceptual model that reflects both the material heterogeneity of film production magnetic tapes and the manifestations of sound of a specific film work in all its available materials (the script, magnetic audio tapes and the film negative and prints).

Results – This study presents the main historical, theoretical and practical approaches to film sound research. The text contains an overview of the types of sound recordings found on magnetic carriers connected to film sound production, their classification and distribution of the main sound elements (music, foley, dialogues). Furthermore, the study presents an analytical comparison of the expressions of creative concepts found in the soundtrack of the Czech 1970s film The Little Mermaid across all the available materials, as well as a conceptual model which connects all of the film sound archival sources.

Originality/Value – Material manifestations of film sound are key to understanding the period process of film sound production. On the example of the work of Zdeněk Liška, the foremost Czech film music composer, a possible approach to understanding the historical process of sound production was modelled. The conceptual model further serves as a basis of a cataloguing module, which will be used by the Národní filmový archiv (the National Film Archive in Prague) for its emergent film catalogue. This topic is yet to be covered by the Czech scientific literature.

Keywords: film sound, film music, sound studies, magnetic carriers, conceptual models, FRBR, digitization, cataloguing, Zdeněk Liška, The Little Mermaid
Author biography

Jonáš Kucharský

Národní filmový archiv, Oddělení kurátorů

Je kurátor hudby a zvuku Národního filmového archivu a absolvent Ústavu hudební vědy FF MU, studoval na Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin a Cardiff University. Věnuje se výzkumu filmové hudby a zvuku, prezervaci a prezentaci zvukových nosičů a digitálnímu restaurování zvuku. Jeho výzkumná činnost zaměřená na filmový zvuk a hudbu byla prezentována na mezinárodních konferencích: IASA 2019 v nizozemském Hilversumu, Music and the Moving Image Conference XVI na americké NYU Steinhardt (2020, 2021, 2022), mezinárodním workshopu na půdě Postupimského filmového muzea Sounds from the Shortage Economy: Magnetic Tape Products by AGFA/ORWO. V letech 2020 a 2022 prezentoval restaurátorské projekty v rámci masterclass na boloňském festivalu Il Cinema Ritrovato. Je členem týmu, který v roce 2019 obdržel benátského lva za nejlepší restaurovaný film na Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. Je spoluautorem připravované publikace Národního muzea věnované tuzemské elektroakustické hudbě.


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