Adjustments to Mapseries tool
Purpose – The paper presents an improved version of Mapseries – a tool developed to facilitate working with old maps in the Moravian Library. The tool is used mainly by cataloguers who are creating bibliographic records to individual sheets of extensive map series. The latest adjustments of the tool’s layer meant for cataloguers have made cataloguing more efficient.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The introduction presents Mapseries and points out how cataloguers can benefit from it. The main body then describes, step by step, how to use this tool from a cataloguer’s point of view.
Results – Mapseries is an online open-access tool which helps cataloguers standardise bibliographic records and enables them to work faster. Standardisation of bibliographic records is particularly important when working with map series; standardised metadata help find individual sheets in map series across various GLAM institutions. The layer developed for map presentation could be later used in the digital library Kramerius, which would greatly improve the search for digitised maps and thus give the public better and easier access to map collections.
Originality/Value – The paper draws on an older text, which was a more general description of cataloguing tools developed in the Moravian Library. This text presents the newest extension and adjustments made in 2022 based on the cataloguers’ needs and other experience gained when working with map collections.
Keywords: old maps, map series, cataloguing
Miloš Pacek
Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně
Miloš Pacek pracuje v Moravské zemské knihovně v Oddělení jmenného popisu a národních autorit. Vedle zpracování dokumentů z mapové sbírky knihovny se věnuje vývoji digitálních nástrojů určených pro práci se starými mapami.
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