Národnostní mapa slovanského pekla – se zvláštním zřetelem k Maďarům
Klíčová slova:
česká a slovenská literatura 19. století; emblematický národopis; Kollárova literární tvorba; Slávy dcera; interpretace a výklad Slávy dcery
The study deals with Ján Kollár who significantly contributed to formation of the Czech and Slovak national emblematic ethnography. An organic part of this ethnography is the song entitled Acheron contained in Kollár's poetical work Slávy dcera (Daughter of Slavia) presenting the Slavic Hell. The study analyzes songs mostly from the national point of view and presents in detail the verses describing the Hungarian historical personalities and other phenomena. The present study is at the same time the first serious attempt to make accesible the historical sources of Kollár's work named Wýklad a wyswětliwky k Sláwy dceři (Interpretation and Explanation of the Daughter of Slavia) which served to Kollár as a basis to write his sonnets with the Hungarian topic.
česká a slovenská literatura 19. století; emblematický národopis; Kollárova literární tvorba; Slávy dcera; interpretace a výklad Slávy dcery