Slavica litteraria 2016/1


Slavica litteraria 2016/1

Current issue of Slavica litteraria – 2016/1 contains specialized set of comparative studies on Slavonic subjects from the sphere of literary history and theory.

The volume opens with a contribution devoted to the problems of intercultural character in literary criticism (K. Jacek Kozak). Further studies deal with myths and stereotypes, e. g. the depiction  of a Jew in Ukrainian and English historical prose of the firtst half of the 19th century (D. Č. Čik) or represent intrerpretational probes into the history of Slovak literature (M. Bátorová about D. Tatarka, M. Petríková about J. Barč-Ivan). The following texts focus on the Russian 20th- and 21st-century prose (for example, V. Žemberová, I. Kalita, D. Nowak) and the bloc of studies dealing with Slavonic literatures ends with an anthropologically conceived  treatise on transitory rituals from concentration camps (M. Páralová Tardy).

In the section Materials and Discussions K. Kardyni-Pelikánová interprets the views of the Czech specialist in Polish studies K. Krejčí about the genre problems and genealogy of a novel by Jan Count Potocki, and a Slovak researcher V. Žemberová analyzes the poetics of postmodernist Ukrainian writer and essayist T. Prochaska.