New issue: Slavica litteraria 2020, No. 1
The new number (1/2020) of Slavica litteraria, the contributions of which are written in Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Ukrainian, Slovene, and Russian, brings in the section Studies the works both from the sphere of Slavonic comparative studies and from the poetics of separate national literatures. The Nitra specialist in Slovak literature and theorist of literature, especially of poetry Zoltán Rédey investigates the Slovak variety of the originally Czech „poetry of a weekday“ (Lyrický svet „stola a interiéru“. Topos vo veciach „spredmetnenej“ každodennosti v slovenskej poézii od 60. rokov 20. storočia po súčasnosť), the specialist in Czech and Slovak studies from Belgrade Ivana Kočevski compares the two works of Serbian and Czech literatures (Obraz města v románech dvou spisovatelek slovanského původu: Praha Daniely Hodrové a Bělehrad Svetlany Velmarové-Jankovićové), world famous professor of Ukrainian literature from Kyev Universty Mykhajlo Nayenko analyzes in his study postmodernist literature ad its theory (Домінанти і перспективи постмодерної літератури і теоретичного її осмислення), the Slovene specialist in Czech studies Tone Smolej in his rather documentarily conceived treatise deals with the life of Slovene intellectual élite at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague towards the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries („Při takovém pohledu člověk téměř zapomene na tichou vlast.“ Slovinští spisovatelé – pražští studenti a doktorandi). Another Slovene slavist Tanja Žigon interprets an interesting figure of Anastazij Grün and his biographer on the basis of archival materials (Predmarčni pesnik, politik in prevajalec Anastazij Grün kot mecen na Kranjskem), Petr Kučera investigates the percetion of foreigners in another national literature continuing in such a way the tradition of this type of research in Western Europe and the U.S.A. (Postavy Němců v současné české próze), the Institute of Slavonic Studies doctoral graduate, Russian slavist Natalya Rubtsova deals with the character of a creator in Sergey Samsonov’ novel.
In the section Materials and Discussions Viera Žemberová, specialist in Slovak and Slavonic studies from Prešov, analyzes the work of the historian of literature Vladimír Petrík (1929–2017), the specialist in Czech studies from České Budějovice Milena Nosková writes about the creator of Slavonic studie at Grenoble University Claude Kastler, and the Romanian professor of Czech studies Sorin Paliga treats the translating of the key works by Vladimír Holan into Romanian he himself substantially participated in.
The section Reviews contains comments and evaluations of some selected works, especially from Central European literary criticism (authors: Petr Kučera, Ivo Pospíšil, Anna Zelenková, Viera Žemberová, Miloš Zelenka, Alexej Mikulášek); in the section Comments and Reports there are information about several literary events and phenomena, e. g. about a new Slovak journal dealing with Central Europe and the Brno colloquium on Leskov.