New issue: Slavica litteraria 2021, No. 2
The present number of the journal Slavica litteraria (2/2021) covers a wide range of problems of literary criticism as such, more or less focused on Slavonic literary studies from methodological, comparative, and genre aspects.
The sections Articles is introduced by the analysis of the fate of Russian formalism in Slovakia, followed by the theme of irony and parody in Nabokov’s novel Pale Fire, by the reception of Cyprian Norwid in the Czech cultural environment, the film adaptations with Jewish heroes by the director Ján Kádár are being dealt with in one of the interdisciplinary articles, a Slovak poetess Maša Haľamová is the object of the archival research, another article contains the analysis of the problems of Czech-Slovak mutuality in the work of Rudolf Pokorný, Dostoevsky’s commentaries upon children is being investigated in the final study of the section.
The next one Materials and Discussions is devoted to the analysis of the Czech and Slovak comparative literary studies in intermediate time before the XXIII congress of the AILC/ICLA and to the investigation problems of the chronicle narrative.
The following section contains the jubilee articles devoted to Krystyna Kardyni-Pelikánová and Libor Pavera and the obituaries of Ivan Dorovský, Hans Rothe, and Ján Jankovič, very rich in profound reflections is also the review and the report sections dealing with the important books, monographs and scholarly events.