Menšíkove literárnokritické priezory do slovenskej literatúry koncom 19. a v prvých decéniach 20. storočia
Jan Menšík; Slovak literature; the history of Slovak literature; the methodology of teaching Slovak literature; Czech-Slovak relations
The paper deals with the works of Jan Menšík (1886-1949), the Czech literary historian, focusing on his relation to Slovak literature. As a disciple of J. Vlček, Menšík belonged to the positivist generation and after 1918 he concentrated on the Slovak literature between 1880 and 1920. His historical survey Črty zo slovenskej literatúry [Sketches of Slovak Literature] (1920) offered a synthetic overview of the works by P. O. Hviezdoslav, S. H. Vajanský and M. Kukučín. In contrast to S. Krčméry's Prehľad dejín slovenskej literatúry a vzdelanosti [A Historical Outline of Slovak Literature and Civilisation] (1920), Menšík is more inclined to consider the Czech context and does not avoid aesthetic evaluation. J. Menšík also takes credit for his contribution to the methodology of teaching literature, as he compiled Slovak primary readers and Slovak poetics (1921, in collaboration with P. Bujnák).
Jan Menšík; Slovak literature; the history of Slovak literature; the methodology of teaching Slovak literature; Czech-Slovak relations