Ke koncepcím dějin literatury: obecné a zvláštní
theory of literary history; axiology of literature; dominant principles of constructing literary history; the general and specific features of literary dictionaries and histories of national literatures; specific features of the history of Slovak literature; the problems of its classification and periodization; the newest History of Slovak Literature (ed. Imrich Sedlák), its positive innovatioins and and some problematic aspects
The author of the present study reflects upon the general and specific features of the conceptions of literary history and the history of single national literature, the relation of the national and supranational, the axiological criteria in the context of his past and topical research linked with area studies and the theory of literary history. With regard to the specific features od the history of Slovak literature he analyzes the latest Dejiny slovenskej literatúry (A History of Slovak Literature, 2 volumes, 2009, ed. Imrich Sedlák); he highly appreciates its permeability, diffusibility, competent interpretation, and the combination of the current and personalistic characteristics; on the contrary, as problematic he regards the authors' entries (profiles, portraits) and a lower degree of systematic comparative approach.
theory of literary history; axiology of literature; dominant principles of constructing literary history; the general and specific features of literary dictionaries and histories of national literatures; specific features of the history of Slovak literature; the problems of its classification and periodization; the newest History of Slovak Literature (ed. Imrich Sedlák), its positive innovatioins and and some problematic aspects