Poznámky k "překladatelským" kuriozitám maďarské poezie 19. století : adaptace a plagiáty básní Sándora Petőfiho
Sándor Petőfi; Czech translations of Hungarian literature; adaptations; plagiarisms; theory of translation; Karel Tůma; Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský; patriotism
During 18th and 19th century Czech approaches to translations to a large extend coincide with the European development. In some translations of Hungarian literature from the second half of the 19th century we found examples of obsolete approaches. These are adaptations and plagiarisms from the pen of Karel Tůma and V. A. Šmilovský. They amplify or add the motive of patriotism and nationalism. In the case of Sándor Petőfi they are poems Ha férfi vagy, légy férfi...(If you are a male, be a man...) and the epic poem Az apostol, which was the inspiration for the poem The last night from Karel Tůma.
Sándor Petőfi; Czech translations of Hungarian literature; adaptations; plagiarisms; theory of translation; Karel Tůma; Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský; patriotism
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